A Statement on Behalf of the Confederated Villages of Lisjan Nation

Greetings Relatives,

On behalf of the Confederated Villages of Lisjan Nation, I have asked for this statement to be read tonight as tribal members and leadership are all at a ceremony and cannot be with you.

Confederated Villages of Lisjan Nation have made this land, currently called Berkeley, our home for thousands of years before colonization. Before the thought of private land ownership was a concept in this land, this land was taken care of by our ancestors. There was an abundance here. Imagine a few hundred years ago, there was no concept of hunger or homelessness, and you could drink fresh water out of “strawberry creek”. Our way of life was disrupted because people came to this land with the thought of “lording” over the land, rather than being in relationship to it. The foreign ideology of private land ownership has caused great harm to the land, waters, animals, plants, and people. Greed of making money and covering everything in concrete and asphalt, takes away the sacredness of the land to people living in the confines of urban areas. The ability to have a small group of humans displace others in a time of worldwide pandemic, with the ever-increasing cost of living, food shortages on the brink and the continuous desensitized ability to look at homelessness goes against everything that we have been traditionally taught about being human beings.

Confederated Villages of Lisjan Nation stands with Defend Peoples Park, the People’s Park Council and all who dream and seek to create a new way of life, one in which we remember what our responsibilities are to the earth, water, air and each other.

Corrina Gould
Spokesperson for the Confederated Villages of the Lisjan Nation
July 27, 2022

Let’s Stroll Along Derby Creek in People’s Park

Imagine the beauty of the sun on sparkling water of Derby Creek running through a wooded glade in People’s Park. This can become reality as we all get involved in caring for our precious open space in Berkeley.

Derby Creek in People's Park color map
Derby Creek in People’s Park color map
Derby Creek in People’s Park pencil sketch

This very detailed and informative report looks the process of daylighting Derby Creek in People’s Park, restoring a beautiful riparian Berkeley habitat with native plants and flowing water and the restorative power of nature in our neighborhood and town.

Report to the University of California and the People’s Park Community Advisory Board on the Feasibility of Restoring Derby Creek at People’s Park, Berkeley, California

Submitted by: Wolfe Mason Associates, Inc. in association with Waterways Restoration Institute. June 20, 1998
(69 pages, 29 MB, PDF)

Contact People’s Park if you would like to be involved in or want to support this project: e-mail: info@peoplespark.org.