Tear gas use on peaceful protesters is STILL immoral!

From: Terri Compost, August 3, 2022
Open letter to Berkeley City Council council@cityofberkeley.info

Dear Berkeley Mayor and City Council,

It has come to my attention that you could consider suspending the city’s policy against the use of tear gas, smoke and pepper spray for the duration of the City Council recess. The irresponsibility of putting an action like that in place during a time when the council can not act and respond to the situation is extremely irresponsible if not criminal.

I can only imagine you are considering it under the pressure of your UC controllers to encourage them forward in their attack on People’s Park and the People of Berkeley. The folly of the plan to try to build on People’s Park is evident. It has been an immoral and blatantly classist and racist assault against one of the few refuges in the City in which all people are served. The response of the people should not be a surprise to you. Building on People’s Park is a direct attack against a lot of people, some with nothing to lose. If UC or Berkeley truly wants housing, you will build it elsewhere. There is no scenario where putting a dorm on People’s Park could possibly go smoothly.

Now it’s in your hands. Do you want your legacy to be a bloodbath for this folly? UC creates the problem of scarce housing by admitting unsustainable numbers of students and then pretends to solve the problem they created. Well I’ll let you in on a little secret. People’s Park is a tar baby. The more you attack it the more stuck you will be covered in the tar of the evil of attacking the poor, the environment and our hopes and dreams.

Maybe with enough money, force, police, overtime, added expenditures, fences and ill will the University can cram in something. But it will never rest peacefully there. I suggest you don’t commit to protracted war on the poor of your city. You can not win. You will create more poverty and pain and devastation that will continue to ripple out.

There is a righteous stand to take here. Gus Newport did the right thing when he refused to allow the City of Berkeley Police Department be the ground troops for UC’s bad plan in 1979. The City has prohibited attacking peaceful protesters with chemical weapons for a reason. It is immoral.

History will remember the decisions you make. Peace can be made. A dorm can be built on the Parking Lot of Ellsworth and Channing. But it will take legislators of conscience and intelligence to take leadership and bring our town back to peace.

Please do not put swords into the wannabe overlord’s arsenal to slaughter your city while you are on vacation. Please do the right thing. People’s lives are at stake and you must be responsible now.

Thank you, Terri Compost

Terri Compost is a long-time Berkeley People’s Park community organizer, gardener, educator.

March to Reclaim People’s Park – July 6, 2022

March to Protect People’s Park – July 6, 2022
Paul Lee speaks at Reclaim People’s Park rally – July 6, 2022
Rally at Martin Luther King Civic Center Park before march to People’s Park – July 6, 2022
Rally at Martin Luther King Civic Center Park before march to People’s Park – July 6, 2022

Wednesday, July 6, 2022 at 5 PM

5 PM: Rally at Martin Luther King Civic Center Park, March to People’s Park (~ 1 mile)

7:30 PM: Live music and BBQ at People’s Park

UC Berkeley has started taking over People’s Park, a historic center of community, resistance, and mutual aid. March with us to reclaim the space and tell the UC: NO DEVELOPMENT ON PEOPLE’S PARK!

Sign up and volunteer for the march: tinyurl.com/ParkMarchVolunteer

defendpeoplespark.orgpeoplespark.org • Berkeley CopWatch

On People’s Park, Democracy, and Politics

by Memory
Saturday, June 25, 2022, 5:46 PM

Berkeley city council-member Rigel Robinson released a recent article championing the UC’s proposed redevelopment project on People’s Park. This article was accompanied with a statement from council-member Lori Droste’s legislative assistant. The statement compared People’s Park activists to the January 6th insurrectionists.



Berkeley council-member Rigel Robinson released an article centered around the need to redevelop People’s Park for support programs and housing. He praises the UC and city council (including himself) for this grand act of charity. However he doesn’t make a strong case as to why these services have to be built on People’s Park. The buildings of UC’s Anna Head complex (directly one block north from People’s Park) are falling apart. They are unsafe, and costly to maintain. Over the past 2 years, this complex has had 4 fires. Why couldn’t this site be razed, and replaced with the proposed new housing complexes? Why not tear down the UC’s Crossroads cafe, and replace it with a dorm? Why not introduce a new dorm in the core part of campus? Could the supportive housing project be built at the eastern edge of Ohlone Park, across the street from the North Berkeley senior center. This would place the building closer to BART, the library, city college and other civic services. (Ohlone Park is significantly larger than People’s Park. A building would fit there with less impact). These are just a few examples to show other other options exist.

This redevelopment project is politically tied to the conquering of People’s Park. It is not a case of the government acting purely for the sake of the greater social good. This development project is conditional to once-and-for-all stamping out a hub of social rebellion and social experimentation. The city could have built a new supportive housing and services hub on the former Telegraph Avenue location of C.I.L. (Center for Independent Living). It was a perfect opportunity the city passed on. Now the location is market-rate housing. The city didn’t care about supportive housing then, because it didn’t achieve the same political goal that building on People’s Park achieves.

The council-member refers to People’s Park as a “a gathering place for [the] unhoused”. Opponents of maintaining People’s Park as a 2.8 acre open space in South Berkeley, often will insinuate (or outright say) that the only people who use the park are homeless. This is factually untrue. Pre-pandemic, the majority of people who visited the park were not unhoused. The park was a refuge for houseless people, but most people who came to the park had places to stay at night. Most of these people came to the park for social reasons, to garden, to play chess, to use the basketball hoops (often students), to grab a free meal (Food Not Bombs), or to vibe (sativa, indica or hybrid). It is a fact that when the pandemic hit, the population shifted more towards the unhoused, as the park became a place where activists and service providers could coordinate mutual aid response for the unhoused. However, pre-pandemic the park was more economically and socially diverse.

Rigel calls People’s Park an “ungoverned space”. There is a truth to this, but the council-member fails to criticize the institutions who walked away from their responsibilities to manage park operations. Robinson seems to place the blame on activists and park preservationists. A decade ago, the UC disbanded the People’s Park Community Relations commission. There was a promise to reinstate the board, with new members and a new focus on community partnership; it was never reinstated. The UC’s main presence in the park is it’s police department, not it’s College of Natural Resources, nor the school of social welfare.

The UC Police had no real oversight, which resulted in systemically abusive behavior that drove a rift between park advocates and the university. Officers would humiliate people with mental-health disabilities. UC police would sporadically harass people handing out food. The department would actively intimidate people who dared to tend to the garden. More egregious behavior by UC police officers over the decades has included: excessive use of force, physical abuse, and at least one known case of an officer with substance-abuse issues shaking down people for drugs.

The city is also responsible for People’s Park being an “ungoverned space”. The city used to lease the park, and co-manage the park with the university. The city broke any commitment it had to People’s Park. There was at one point, many years ago, a plan for the UC to sell People’s Park to the city for one single dollar. However, the state government doesn’t permit any piece of university land to be sold for below market value. The state would not make an exception for People’s Park.

Rigel also wrote: “Changing anything at the park has been a political third rail… for decades”. The only changes that the UC attempted to make to the park did not include input from the People’s Park community. This lack of communication, and lack of community partnership lead to tensions. Most infamously, in 1991 the university had a plan to tear down the free-speech and concert stage, and replace a large swath of the open field with 2 sand-volleyball courts. This was not a concept developed though community discussions. When people protested the changes, UC police shot at people with wood slugs and rubber bullets — an action which only escalated tension. After being erected, the sand-volley ball courts weren’t even used, and the UC itself took them down. (Ironically, the UC would 20+ years later tear down another sand-volleyball court on the north side of campus. This court was popularly used by students and faculty.)

A little over a decade ago, the university once again proposed tearing down the People’s Park stage. A new stage was proposed, but the UC stipulated that the park community could not rebuild it. The old stage was built and donated by activists. The UC wanted the new stage to fully be university property. The new stage would also be more restricted in terms of use. As in 1991, the university made the mistake of not collaborating in a community partnership. The old stage remains.

Rigel says that park has been “frozen in time” since the park protests of 1969 and 1972. That is completely untrue. In 1974, an organic gardening course was created by university students. That same year, a project was started to plant California native species. In 1979 the first iteration of the stage was built, and a vegetable garden on the west end of the park was established. In 1984, the slide and swings were brought into the park. In 1989 the Catholic Workers brought in a trailer to serve as a cafe, which later was towed away by UC police. In 1991, Food Not Bombs began delivering food into the park. In subsequent years in the later 90s, the 2000s and the 2010s, planter boxes and garden beds have come and gone, various plants swapped in and out by various gardeners. More benches were created. There’s been concerts held by various organizations, including UC student groups.

Part II:


Eric Panzer is the is the legislative assistant of Berkeley council member Lori Droste. He attached a statement to Robinson’s article. He asserts that advocacy for preserving the openness of People’s Park is anti-democratic. He makes an insulting, and ridiculous comparison between Park activists and the January 6th insurrectionists.

The UC is not a democratic institution. For decades, there has been a call to democratize the UC regents. In 1993, the Committee for a Responsible University proposed that half the UC regents should be chosen by California voters through electoral process. The Presidency of the UC is not democratic. When criticism was raised about former Homeland Security Chief Janet Napolitano (who had no experience in the field of higher education) being chosen as UC President, there was no direct democratic action available to stop her appointment. Likewise, the respective chancellors of the different UC campuses are not democratically elected.

Any comparison to People’s Park advocates and the January 6 insurrectionists is insulting and stupid. The Jan 6th insurrection was planned in part by the Proud Boys. While founded in the state of New York, the Proud Boys came to prominence during a series of rallies known as the Battles of Berkeley. During one of these rallies, the Proud Boys marched from Sproul Plaza down to People’s Park for the purposes of threatening people there. The advocates of People’s Park were in direct opposition to the Proud Boys, Patriot Prayer, and the Alt-Right in general.

To follow Panzer’s argument, any protest against any government agency or institution, is tantamount to insurrection and advocacy for fascist dictatorship. Any past or future protest against the University of California, according to Panzer, is treason. The Memorial Oak Grove protest, the Occupy Cal encampment at Sproul Plaza, or any of the numerous building sit-ins that occurred in the 2010s were all acts of conservative fascism by Panzer’s definition. The only true progressive act is to not protest against authority.

The redevelopment of People’s Park is being challenged in court. In part, that is why the UC hasn’t sent in the riot police to shut down the park. Access to the courts is part of the democratic process, and a fundamental freedom. As for direct action on the ground, that too is part of democracy. People have the right to assembly, and the right to take a stand. The UC itself set rules on engaging protest encampments, after the police violence against Occupy Cal. It remains to be seen if the UC follows their own regulations, or if they shut down the park with a burst of extreme violence.

Lori Droste’s assistant wrote: “the Park’s supposed boosters foisted a policy of malignant neglect upon the Park”. This is a dishonest assessment. The neglect has come from the university, the city and the state government. Park advocates for years been the people trying to keep the park from falling apart. They have maintained the plants, and other aspects of the park infrastructure and amenities. They have demanded that the sick, the downtrodden and the destitute be given assistance by the government. It is the government that has ignored these pleas for years, only now to respond on the condition that People’s Park be redeveloped. This bargain is manipulative, dishonest, and uses the needy as pawns in a political game for the purpose of greatly disrupt activism in Berkeley and on campus.

Part III (Conclusion):

The debate is being presented as a false dichotomy. Either the redevelopment plan goes through, or the park’s current conditional state is maintained. In truth, there are other options. Housing and supportive services can be built elsewhere, and there can be a commitment to improving the park through community partnerships and mutual communication.

Another option is compromise, for those who are willing to explore such a path. Perhaps the supportive housing and a service center gets built on People’s Park, and the dorm gets built elsewhere. This puts a new building on site, but leaves more of the open space available for gardening and recreation.

Park advocates aren’t happy with houseless people needing to find refuge in the park. Park advocates aren’t happy with people with ailments going untreated. Yet, Robinson and Panzer are presenting a fallacy that advocates are fighting for this to be the status quo. They insinuate that people are advocating for the continued suffering of others. Their arguments are disgusting at their core, and don’t reflect the type of mutual aid and advocacy that activists in People’s Park have had to offer out of compassion and necessity.

( This article was originally published on IndyBay.org : https://www.indybay.org/newsitems/2022/06/25/18850696.php )

Woodchips and Logs Alert: Take Action to Save People’s Park

From the People’s Park Council, June 16, 2022

Hi all,

We need you to call and email about the dramatic fire danger UC has created in the park over the past weeks.

Logs and Woodchips in People’s Park – photo Elana Auerbach

See below for more photos…

They started with many smaller piles of wood chips on the east side, as people were moving to The Rodeway Inn. Eventually those were mostly spread out by park users.

But then UC started dumping piles of wood chips in the grassy areas of the park, dumpload after dumpload, some mounds about 8 feet high and about as wide. Then the logs of formerly healthy, life-giving trees. We’ve had various counts of how many but around 60 or more is a reasonable count for now.

Monday and Tuesday 2 representatives from the City Manager’s office were out aggressively pressuring people to leave the park in the afternoon, including people who do not sleep in the park but hang out there.

Max from the People’s Park Council asked Okeya Vance Dozier how the city was involved in the dumping of flammable materials all over the park. Okeya said it is the UC doing this. So Okeya was asked the purpose of covering the lawn and was told it is to keep people from being able to put out tents. So this clarifies that the city has contact with UC and is being updated, and the city has aggressively pressured people to leave, threatening that they’d lose all their belongings if they did not submit to having them taken away. Indeed, UC has trashed tents and bedding, and personal belongings of many over the weeks. Meanwhile, while UC and the city was pressuring people to go to The Rodeway, telling them they’d have 18 months there, and services, the moment they were there they were being threatened with eviction after 3 months.

Monday and Tuesday this week UC covered many areas with logs. They’re strewn about.

Max has written detailed emails and made calls to different city fire department emails and phone numbers as well as the City Council saying the fire department and city need to stop this massive fire danger, especially as the weather forecast says to expect days with 77 degrees coming up.

The concern is spontaneous combustion and even though activists have been continuing to spread many of the chips from the more recent dumps (June 9, on), there remain massive piles which threaten not only the park and its flora and fauna, but the entire neighborhood as now there are so many wood chips in many areas of the park.

Some immediate actions you can take:

Tell people you know and get it onto Social Media. We’ll try to get some photos of the carnage up onto the website peoplespark.org as soon as that can happen. But people can go and take their own photos and send to people if we don’t get them up right away.

  • Email fire@cityofberkeley.org and call 510-981-3473
  • Email council@cityofberkeley.org
  • Email manager@cityofberkeley.info, and call 510-981-7000 ovance-dozier@cityofberkeley.org and jjacobs@cityofberkeley.org from that office
  • Email chancellor@berkeley.edu and call Carol Christ: 510-642-7464
  • Email regentsoffice@ucop.edu
  • Let us know if you emailed or called… info@peoplespark.org and if you got this info from a friend and would like to be added to our announcements list, please let us know
  • If you use a cell phone, add yourself to the bulldozer alert by texting
    SAVETHEPARK to 74121 and text your friends to do the same
  • Bring out a rake, gloves, a wheelbarrow, and friends to spread more of the wood chips so there is less probability of spontaneous combustion of the massive piles which are left. Make it a party and post photos to your Social Media
  • The evening weather has been so pleasant. Come out to the park and enjoy it. This evening wouldn’t be a moment too soon. Bring your guitar, your singing buddies, and get up on the Free Speech stage to do your thing. Remember Joni Mitchell’s song with the lines, “They paved paradise, and put up a parking lot. With a pink hotel, a boutique, and a swinging hot spot. Don’t it always seem to go that you don’t know what you’ve got ’til it’s gone. They paved paradise and put up a parking lot.” Then there’s the line about putting all the trees in a tree museum (a bit like UC’s claim in the EIR that, they would be moving out oldest, biggest trees. Good luck with that)
  • Now that those trees are dead, sure would be nice if someone with good equipment were to come out and make some of these logs into more benches and tables. Anyone know any wood sculptors who’d want to beautify the park with their art? We’ve also heard rumblings about many uses for the logs in defense of the park

** Our People’s Park tradition, from the inception, has been to take UC’s destruction and heal and support the park and its residents. They destroy, we beautify and think of ways to help do good for the neighborhood from building bathrooms, to getting rid of the offensive volleyball courts to leave the grassy area free for frisbee, picnics, dancing, hula hooping, musical circles. We reused the old-growth redwood UC had used for extra offense in building those unwanted courts, and over years also built picnic tables and benches, have done plumbing repairs when UC has not, have gardened, and as UC has always come in to destroy trees and other plants we respond by planting more and always, we put on anniversary and many other concerts and shows, workshops, rallies, and we help coordinate mutual aid. When we squatted a long-vacant UC-owned brownshingle rooming house across from Rochdale (Berkeley Student Co-op), UC’s response was to bulldoze it. Our response to that? We created another People’s Park annex, a lovely garden which survived at least a year before they demolished that, too.

Let 1000 Parks Bloom!

Keep your eyes and ears open, and we look forward to seeing you in the park.

People’s Park Council

The Future of Southside Berkeley’s Parks?

Trees • Oxygen • Gardens

Now is the time to maintain nature’s gifts!

  • We need MORE, not less, open, green space in Southside!
  • According to Alameda County records, UC has acres of land all over Berkeley and the Bay Area, including south of campus

Come and share your visions for how to make these essential parks open and usable by everyone. Join us! Please attend an important community meeting to discuss these issues!

March 30, 2022 at 7 p.m.
Seventh Day Adventist Church, 2236 Parker St., Berkeley


Author coming to speak at UC Berkeley in April:
Davarian Baldwin, author of In the Shadow of the Ivory Tower: How Universities are Plundering Our Cities, will be speaking at a public event

April 18, 2022 from 5-7 p.m.
Social Sciences Matrix, 820 Social Sciences Building, UCB

peoplespark.org & peoplesparkhxdist.org

**** And come celebrate with us for our People’s Park 53rd Anniversary Weekend April 23 and 24th. Concerts noon, on each day, and celebrate the Berkeley Student Co-ops also under threats from UC. Music, food, speakers, festivities, and workshops the 24th (check out peoplespark.org for more details closer to the time)

Download PDF flyer for these events.

PRESS RELEASE – Community groups continue fight against secret, illegal agreement between the City of Berkeley and UC Berkeley

For Immediate Release

For Additional Information:
Harvey Smith, peoplesparkhxdist@gmail.com, 510.684.0414

(January 31, 2022) – A coalition of community groups filed a lawsuit to fight the secret, illegal agreement that the City of Berkeley signed with UC Berkeley — giving UC Berkeley a blank check for unfettered growth. The agreement, signed in July 2021, prevents the City of Berkeley from filing any further legal action against UC Long Range Development Plan (LRDP) and withdrew the city’s objection to the destruction of several historic buildings and to the eviction of tenants from their rent controlled homes.

Three community organizations — Make UC a Good Neighbor, People’s Park Historic District Advocacy Group (PPHDAG) and People’s Park Council (PPC) — amended their Petition on January 20, 2022 that challenges the City of Berkeley’s agreement with UC Berkeley regarding their LRDP. The Petition alleges the vote on the agreement violates the requirements of the Brown Act, which mandates local government to conduct business at open and public meetings.

“The residents of Berkeley will be saddled with this onerous agreement long after the Mayor, Chancellor, City Council members and Regents are gone from their positions. The basic principles of open government have been shamelessly tossed aside for purposes of political expediency,” according to Harvey Smith, member of the People’s Park Historic District Advocacy Group.

The agreement prevents the city from taking legal action against the LRDP for the next 16 years. Although the city’s own analysis estimated UC Berkeley costs the city $21 million per year, the agreement will pay the city only $4.1 million per year, 20 cents on the dollar. Therefore, over the 16 years Berkeley taxpayers will be responsible for covering a deficit of over $250 million. Three other cities hosting UC campuses have negotiated much more favorable agreements, including the mandatory production of student housing.

The lawsuit cites the action of the Berkeley City Council to conclude “a secret agreement in closed session, never acknowledged, approved or disclosed in public session.” The Petition to the court also cites Measure L, an ordinance passed by Berkeley voters in 1986, which mandates “That wherever public parks and open space currently exist in Berkeley, such use shall continue and be funded at least to allow the maintenance of the present condition and services.” The agreement violates voter-approved Measure L by collaborating in the destruction of People’s Park, a user-developed and community-controlled open space in the South Campus area of Berkeley.

Additionally cited is Measure N, approved by voters in 1988; the secret agreement is described as running “afoul of the intent and aspirational policies set forth in Berkeley Measure N,” which requires the city to “use all available lawful means to ensure that public agencies abide by the rules and laws of the city and that these agencies pay taxes and fees, comparable to those paid by private citizens and business to support their fair share of city services.”

Although the Berkeley City Council had also resolved on multiple occasions to support tenant rights, and specifically the interests of tenants evicted from 1921 Walnut Street, Berkeley, the agreement bound the City “to not challenge the upcoming 2021 LRDP and UC’s Anchor House [1921 Walnut Street] and People’s Park housing projects.”

The lawsuit further stipulates that the City through its agreement with UC will “induce, aid and assist” in destruction of People’s Park as a student and community park and open space and has collaborated in breach of contract by UC Berkeley. “UC has breached its mutual commitments, promises, and written contracts with responsible People’s Park organizations,” which are included in Exhibits A through L of the Petition.


Presentation by People’s Park Historic District Friday, August 27, 2021, 6–9 pm, Canessa Gallery, San Francisco

Last Friday two lawsuits were filed in Alameda County Superior Court against UC Berkeley and the UC Regents. Two community groups and AFSCME Local 3299 are challenging the impact of growth plans of the university. Previously another filing was done on the Berkeley City Council’s violations of the Brown Act, in formulating and adopting the City’s recent secret “settlement agreement” with the University of California.

The evening’s panel will discuss both legal and community organizing actions to stop implementation of UCB’s Long Range Development Plan (LRDP), a plan that seeks to destroy People’s Park and other irreplaceable neighborhood and community assets in Berkeley.

Panelists include historians, preservationists and activists – Charles Wollenberg, Lesley Emmington, Carol Denney, Joe Liesner and Harvey Smith.

The exhibit includes photographs, art work, posters and memorabilia from over 50 years of spirited community involvement in preserving the irreplaceable open space of the park.

People’s Park is at the center of sixteen other officially recognized city landmarks, which collectively are a de facto historic district. They represent the heritage of the 1960s and the larger theme of a century of town/gown relationships. Berkeley became a major target of the New Right conservative backlash with Ronald Reagan promising to “clean up the mess in Berkeley.”

UC’s plans also threaten three historic buildings, including a rent-controlled apartment building, in another project funded by an anti-rent control developer.

The university has exceeded its agreed enrollment limits, creating enormous housing displacement throughout the city. The university has responded to years of state budget austerity by monetizing its public assets in a corporate-like growth that has also become a drain on city resources.

UCB proposes to cover People’s Park with a 17-story concrete monolith, probably to be erected by a private housing firm that will profit from student occupants. This would destroy both a historical and cultural legacy and much needed open space when reasonable alternatives are available.

If Berkeley all but invented the sixties, surely the city and its university should be able to commemorate that decade by preserving People’s Park as the heart and soul of a vital historic district.

Presentation by People’s Park Historic District
Friday, August 27, 2021, 6–9 pm

Canessa Gallery
708 Montgomery Street, San Francisco

Masks and Covid vaccination required.

For more information, contact Harvey Smith at 510-684-0414.

Sponsored by the People’s Park Historic District Advocacy Group.

Alert: Berkeley park community open space at risk of destruction, January 2021

Save People’s Park: Protect this precious Berkeley open space from developer profiteering

An update and appeal to Berkeley and the University of California, Berkeley

The precious People’s Park, open space and community gathering place, is at imminent risk of destruction in January 2021. A huge part of the park has been shut down with chain link fence and survellience lights at night. The perpetrators of the chain link fence attack, connected with opportunistic profiteers from the University, developers, construction industry, and others,  are clearly using the inclement weather and pandemic situation to attack the precious open space and gathering place of People’s Park with the least amount of pushback from the many users of the park. Numerous houseless people are camped in or beside the park during the pandemic and stormy wet winter weather, with numerous outside organizations and individuals helping park people to get by in decency, given the dire situation.

I remember years ago, my dear friend C and I visited the park in a winter rain. She was a medical student at the time, and we were really enjoying the open space, a relief for our stressed times. It was around the time I grew a bed of astounding 13-foot tall corn in the West side community garden beds of People’s Park. We climbed the great low branches and enjoyed the brisk air and wet colors. It was like today when I visited People’s Park, lush white Cala lilies happily growing into the cool showers.

To think that this park, the historical People’s Park, this vibrant community gathering place, People’s Park, the collective treasure chest of memories of people with vision, People Park, to think that this park could be reduced or damaged or eliminated by the University and it’s cohorts in development, construction and real estate, breaks our hearts. We’ve worked hard to garden, to tend the trees, to fill the air with music, dance and art, history and community, in this public space. To lose this green space would be a tragic loss, caused by destructive profiteering forces. 

The pathological, toxic roads and numerous parked cars are an indicator of how deluded our society has become. People spend so much time on computer or television screens, partly because the environment outside their own doors is so absurdly destroyed to make way for cars and parking spots, and not for people. We want to go to a park to escape the visual and noise pollution of cars everywhere, a public gathering place where we could enjoy gardens, music, sports, a picnic in the sun. How can it be that Berkeley might lose another park, People’s Park? 

I hope all parties involved in any development consider the social value of the special open space in People’s Park, a real direct tangible value to people in the neighborhood, throughout town, and for students, a value that brings people together from all walks of life, and work to protect that open space, the open public culture, and the history. There are several other effective solutions for building student housing, affordable housing, or other structures in many parts of Berkeley, so let us protect this precious remaining open space.

— Greg Jalbert, January 27, 2021

Rally to Save People’s Park

Friday, 3 PM, January 29, 2021

Stand in solidarity with our unhoused neighbors in preventing displacement. Fences are being built to prevent people from using People’s Park.

  • Bring your own signs if possible
  • Food provided by Food Not Bombs
  • Meeting held afterwards

Instagram: @peoplesparkberkeley
Tag photos with #peoplesparkberkeley
Text SAVETHEPARK to 81257


Get Involved

Join the Discussion Group and Facebook groups for People’s Park and get the latest news, participate, and support this wonderful community resource. Connect here on the Contact page >

Photos of People’s Park areas enclosed by chain link fence, January 27, 2021. Stop the theft of People’s Park open community green space!

Chain link fence at People’s Park, South East corner, January 27, 2021
Chain link fence at People’s Park, South East corner, January 27, 2021
Chain link fence at People’s Park, North side, January 27, 2021
Chain link fence at People’s Park, North side, January 27, 2021
Chain link fence at People’s Park, looking North East, January 27, 2021
Chain link fence at People’s Park, looking North East, January 27, 2021
Save People’s Park: Protect this precious Berkeley open space from developer profiteering
Save People’s Park: Protect this precious Berkeley open space from developer profiteering