Rally and Noise Demo: Tuesday, June 29, 2021, 6 PM, Berkeley City Hall

We’re gathering together people for one last Noise Demo on Tuesday June 29.


Berkeley City Council is voting on the annual budget this week. Together we are telling them:

NO to UC Berkeley’s plans to destroy affordable housing and green space at People’s Park and 1921 Walnut street to build expensive student dorms!

NO to an increased municipal police budget while poor and working people are still lacking basic services!

Tuesday June 29, 2021, 6 PM, Berkeley City Hall

Hope to see you there!

Demand of People’s Park Council Regarding Status and Protection of the Park


On behalf of the people of Berkeley and the claimant People’s Park Council, Attorney at Law David L. Axelrod has delivered the Demand of People’s Park Council Regarding Status and Protection of the Park to Carol T. Christ, Office of Chancellor, University of California Administration, Hon. Gavin Newsom, Governor of California, and Hon. Michael V. Drake, M.D., President, University of California.

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