Call In To Berkeley City Council, Thursday August 4, 2022 8:15 PM To Stop Use of Tear Gas, Pepper Spray and Smoke

UPDATE: Berkeley Mayor Jesse Arreguin has canceled tonight’s meeting described below, perhaps he’s getting some spine or he’s just worried about national media attention. He tweeted: “Mtg cancelled. Policy stands and shame on the Sheriff for not guaranteeing mutual aide emergency support to Berkeley because he disagrees with our tear gas ban.”, in a Twitter thread that tagged Berkeleyside and others.

The Berkeley City Manager has requested to allow use of tear gas, smoke and pepper spray while City Council goes on sumer vacation, so the Berkeley City Council just called a Special Meeting for Thursday August 4, 2022 8:15 PM. The one agenda item is:

Discussion and possible action regarding the temporary suspension of the June 9, 2020 policy prohibiting the use of tear gas, smoke and pepper spray for the duration of the City Council recess.

Call in and demand the council does NOT allow this violent City Manager’s wish.

Thursday, August 4, 2022
City Council Special Meeting at 8:15 PM – (8:15 in the evening)

Teleconference: 1-669-900-9128 or 1-877-853-5257 (toll free)
Meeting ID: 890 8360 8532

AGENDA: 1. City Manager – Discussion and possible action regarding the temporary suspension of the June 9, 2020 policy prohibiting the use of tear gas, smoke and pepper spray for the duration of the City Council recess.

This is a transparent attack on the people power that tore down the fence at People’s Park. Please call in and express your thoughts to stop these attacks on people trying to stop the destruction of People’s Park by UC Berkeley.

Letter from Dieter Müller-Greven, a People’s Park supporter from 1972

Dear friends of the Berkeley People’s Park,

Coming from Germany in 1972, hitch-hiking across the USA to SF, I heard about Berkeley People’s park, about the history from 1969, which was still fresh in 1972 and helped to defend the People’s Park in May 1972. I still remember vividly the demonstration on Telegraph Ave and helped tear down the fence at People’s Park.

Now I hear the UCB is still trying to occupy this historic place. Let me know if I can help in any way, may just tell you about the memories of Johnny’s Soup Kitchen on Telegraph Ave or when we blocked the streets to Oakland harbor with cars from junk yards to prevent the aircraft carrier from getting supplies so it couldn’t go to Viet Nam to bomb dikes to drown people, or about hiring a helicopter to coordinate the demonstration by FM radio from the air, or just from the all night drum players in front of the student union building, etc.

Maybe there is a historic archive about this half century lasting fight for the park.

I wish you all good luck to keep this place in the hands of the people and turn it into a historic monument, with just grass and trees, benches and playgrounds. No concrete, no houses.

Take care,
Dieter Müller-Greven

March to Reclaim People’s Park – July 6, 2022

March to Protect People’s Park – July 6, 2022
Paul Lee speaks at Reclaim People’s Park rally – July 6, 2022
Rally at Martin Luther King Civic Center Park before march to People’s Park – July 6, 2022
Rally at Martin Luther King Civic Center Park before march to People’s Park – July 6, 2022

Wednesday, July 6, 2022 at 5 PM

5 PM: Rally at Martin Luther King Civic Center Park, March to People’s Park (~ 1 mile)

7:30 PM: Live music and BBQ at People’s Park

UC Berkeley has started taking over People’s Park, a historic center of community, resistance, and mutual aid. March with us to reclaim the space and tell the UC: NO DEVELOPMENT ON PEOPLE’S PARK!

Sign up and volunteer for the march: • Berkeley CopWatch