Sunday, April 23, 2017
(at the Park between Dwight and Haste off Telegraph in Berkeley).
Here’s the lineup, with speakers interspersed:
NOON All Nations Drummers
12:30 Yukon Hannibal
12:50 Soul
1:10 Occupella
1:30 Max Ventura
1:45 Driftwood Dave and the Drifftones
2:20 Open Mike
2:35 Michael Delacore– Park History
2:45 Funky Nixons
3:25 Other Speakers
3:40 The Diva Band
4:20 Isaiah McLane and Friends (my grandson)
4:50 Eddie Monroe as Trump
5:15 Skank Bank
Follow People’s Park on Facebook:
From the Archives:
presents a fundraiser featuring performances by
SAT. FEBRUARY 4, 2012 from 6-10 pm,
2905 SHATTUCK AVE. (between Ashby and Russell.)
$10 suggested donation. contact (510) 830-7787
correspondence, January 20, 2012
It was August of 1969; I was finally back in the land of CONUS (Continental United States of America)... strangely with all my pieces attached, and in relatively in the correct order. We’d been told on Treasure Island, “Do NOT go into town in uniform, and it’s suggested that you avoid Berkley, totally”. Heck, I wanted a coffee... it was always a treat to sit somewhere on Tel. Ave. and just watch the people... pretty girls would say hi, and people were just having a great time in life.... but it was all different. I recall seeing the chain-link around PPark... pieces of litter lying on the ragged dirt, inside. I remarked to my companion... “Hey, wonder what would happen if we just pulled the damned fence DOWN?” We’d read about it in the “Freep”... Uncle Sugar wouldn’t deliver the Barb, so only “pirated” copies ever made it to us.
But... yes, it WAS different - nobody spoke to us; people shunned us if we said “hello”. We weren’t any different (we thought).. just ordinary guys from an ordinary place... trying to adjust to our surroundings and attempting to assimilate into a totally unknown culture...
... it was an old lady who broke the ice - “Hello; how are you?” she asked... we brightened up and in our best manners said “Fine, mam’... would you care to sit down?” (none of the other tables were empty, and we had a spare chair)... she smiled and just flat out said “Why YES, I sure would”, and began to talk with us as if we were her long lost grandsons. THAT was the spirt that PPark was SUPPOSED to have generated - somewhere, it lost it’s way.
... and to Raine, wherever she may be... a pretty girl with flashing eyes, who gave me flowers on McAllister Beach... just before I shipped out. Thank you, Raine... you kept me going... and you never even knew it.
Tom Dailey - Denver
former US Navy and Kansas farm kid
People’s Park is Under Attack by the Telegraph Business Improvement District
People’s Park Volunteer Activist Meeting Thursday Sep. 29, 7 pm 2022 Blake Street, continuing every other Thursday
The meetings are open to all. We aim to improve the park by creating a coherent voice for the park community. We are engaging in the planning park-improvement projects and other initiatives to beautify the park through user-management.
Read the letter from TBID to the UC demanding that the UC sanitize the park in order to advance TBIDs economic interests with the goal of gentrifying Telegraph.
Join the listserve: or
510 390-0830
“Nobody supervises and the trip belongs to whoever dreams.”
(from the notice in the Berkeley Barb Paper that called the first Park
Park Events and Announcements

Advisory Board:
The monthly meetings of the
People’s Park Community Advisory Board open with a “public
comment” period at the beginning at 7pm. The board is selected by the
University to advise them of Park issues, so it’s not actually a
democratic body, but the meetings have been valuable as a means of
communication with the University about the Park. Please come share
your ideas, concerns etc.
2nd Mondays,7:00pm
Trinity Methodist Church, 2362 Bancroft (near Dana), Berkeley
New book release:
People’s Park: Still Blooming edited by Terri Compost.

Celebrate the past, present, and future of People’s Park! Support local bookstores: Book Zoo, Pegasus, Moe’s, Pendragon, Ancient Ways, Mrs. Dalloway’s, Diesel Bookstore, Walden Pond, Analog, Other Avenues, Modern Times, Bound Together, Green Apple, Needles & Pens, Ecology Center, or online at slingshot or Whoop!