Bring Peace to People's Park....
Buy People's Park? What an idea! But take a look at who supports
the idea.... [Shockwave and Quicktime sounds all over, get your plugin's....]
Three 'netmation pages:
Welcome to Berkeley - a personal history
Dona Spring, Berkeley City Councilwoman
Dona's People's Park History, animated and reprised for those who missed
it, in honor of a great city councilwomen
People's Park - for the people, by the people and
of the people
Maudelle Shirek, Berkeley City Councilwoman
Maudelle made an important motion for People's Park in January in response
to the popularity of the idea--reprised for those who missed it.
What If The City Did the Right Thing?
by David Nadel
David Nadel explains how buying People's Park will bring Peace to Southside
Berkeley . Also the "great historical moment" at the Berkeley
City Council in January when the petition from Citizens, Merchants, and
Religious Leaders was unrolled at the City Council Meeting.
You saw Dave Nadel actually unrolling the petition showing who in Berkeley
supports the idea in What If The City Did the Right
Thing?-- Now check out the people who actually signed this petition.
You'll be surprized.... This is really an idea who's time has come!
Who owns the Park?
Getting into detail on ownership issues involving People's Park:
Why is the U.C. So Hot to Build Sports Courts?
David Nadel gives us the hidden reason
Who Owns the Park? -- 1996
Lisa Stephens
Breaking the Promise
Chancellor Tien
One Small Survey on People's Park
No Community Support for U.C.'s People's Park Plan
David Nadel
Nader says "Democratize the Regents"
One step beyond...
Looking for more articles: Contact John Vance at:
Web Page Sponsored by Committee to Buy the Park
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